And anytime we can take a dip in the pool, is a good time!! Every year Dane starts out in a life jacket. I think he forgets he can swim. He just wants to feel more comfortable before just jumping in, which is fine by me!
We celebrated this sweet friend turning 40! The lighting was horrible but the company was great! Love ya, Katie!
He loves nothing more than snuggling with his pup. You know, vicious pitbull. Whatevs.
There was some MAJOR rain this month. The pictures of the flooding were insane.
And the dog didn't want to venture outside. She likes to put her head out and look. I think she looks ridiculous but it makes me giggle.
This is one of the roads leading to my parents house.
Needless to say, they were stuck at home for a few days!
I was a bit fearful at our house too. The tiny step we have luckily did it's job to keep most of the water off our porch. The streets were completely flooded, which is odd seeing as we live on the top of a hill!
And the Hobby Lobby parking lot. WHAT??!?! This was probably one of the most bizarre pictures to me. Maybe because of how many times I have parked there and how I wouldn't have put it past me to make a "MUST NEEDED" HobLob run on this crazy rainy day. Glad I didn't!
And I am wearing my favorite sweatshirt in May?!?!? What in the world?!? Where is the sun?
It did finally come out! Not that it was super warm, notice the sweatshirts and pants. BUT they were able to open their first lemonade/gum stand of the season! They were pumped!
And most every night consists of baseball drills, even in the dark. Dedication is key.
More lemonade.. Thanks to Katie for the umbrella! I still can't explain the wooden blocks in front but Chaz said it looked good. BAHA! Design is key, I guess.
Cute kiddos!
And when brother is doing a lemonade stand, you have a buddy come over and play in some baby stuff your momma is trying to sell! Goobers.
And then when they are all gone, you snuggle.
And some nights you convince your momma to let you play this game that she hates... because she is OCD and hates clean-up, duh.
But these faces! Can you even?!?!This kid. Simply a riot.
One of my favorite selfies ever!!
We also went to visit my parents for a little while. Daddy was on the tractor so Chaz decided to join him! I love their bond and love for one another!
Well, that was a success!!
My beautiful peonies came back again this year! Best blind $4 I have ever spent!
Back at it! These boys are so much fun!
We celebrated a quiet little mother's day. These two are the reason I get to enjoy such a great day!! I love them and I love the best job I have ever had, being a momma to them!
And they gave me these, along with other things. Aren't they stinkin' adorable??!? Kuddos to my hubby for coming up with this and taking them to create such a memorable gift. They clearly show their personalities. It is very easy to tell who did which and I will cherish them forever!!
If you have met her, you love her! My mom simply hung the moon! She is the most amazing mom! She is kind beyond belief, caring, honest, loving, compassionate, funny, beautiful, giving... I could go on and on and on... Simply THE best!!!
I love you to the moon and back!
These two. They are just the best of buds!!
I don't even understand these outfits but whatever works!I am certain they are talking about how they are going to take over the world and do amazing things!
Not sure but he looks wet so I think it is either sweat or a water hose. You really never know with this one!
And some days he convinces me to snap chat while at dinner! Man, I wish my eyes looked like that every day!!
It is that time! Dentist time! I am seriously so lucky that my kiddos have never had any issues with going to the dentist.
By this point he was out of school for the summer. Since I am staying at home now and he is going into kindergarten in the fall, it made since for us to pull him out at the end of the semester. This just made our Summer longer and more special!
This was one of those before-mentioned must have trips to the HobLob. I am sure it was 100% necessary. He found this hat.. We didn't buy it but the picture was a must!
And after so many days of going strong, sometimes you just crash! Those lashes though!!!
I even convinced him to go on a walk with me! He was a little reluctant but this quickly became our thing.
And we played with his mens.
And he crashed again. Honestly, it is my goal to wear him out each day so he gets some extra rest. Who doesn't love a good nap?!? And it gives me time to get some things done around the house!
On the days when I drag him around doing errands for hours, he ends up sleeping in the car. Precious.
Chaz was still in school and doing great! He even got to play his recorder on stage at the Walton Arts Center! So proud! He is on the right in the collared shirt. Yes, he picked his outfit. He had to look nice!
Snuggles before baseball with his favorite pup!I love where we live! This is a daily occurrence as we come up and down the hill.
And this stud. He has a birthday in May and we just love to celebrate him!
We invited a few friends/family and celebrated our favorite guy! The boys picked out his cake and he loved it!!
I love this. Bonus kid, nephew Davis!
Love you babe! Happy birthday!!!
And there are only a few funnies this month! I guess I was having too much fun with my boys to grab the screen shots that make me giggle! I think this is a good thing!
But here are the ones I did get. Enjoy!
I mean, it is true. Right?!?!
Sometimes you just have to let go and see what happens!
Why does this make me giggle so much!?!? I love it!
Just sayin'Just keeping it real. They are awesome kids but they fight like cats and dogs a lot of the time!
Isn't it weird what makes us happy?!? This fuels my OCD to a level I can't even explain.
And this is just to make you smile. It is kind creepy, if you ask me!
Oh did I mention, I decided to pull out EVERYTHING I have saved of the boys for the last 10 years to sort and sell?!?! OMG. SO.MUCH.STUFF.
And for some reason, this came out as a video still but i just have to post it because it is literally my husband's worse nightmare.... his favorite "food" mustard has been invaded by a little bit of his phobia food ketchup. Hilarious.