Sunday, April 16, 2017

Jack Simmons' 5th birthday // and Easterness // Stone Mountain // 2017

Our Easter may have seemed a little slow this year because some of the fam was out of town but let me assure you, it was not! This crazy dude decided he wanted to celebrate his birthday, so call in the Stone Mountain fam and celebrate we did! A little Jackness and a little Easterness equals a heck of a good evening!!
There were a TON of adorable little faces there and as you will see, I just couldn't NOT take pictures!
And yes, we brought the cousin for the festivities! These two are just inseparable!
And stinkin' adorable!
And goofy as all get out!
Two beautiful, sweet friends!
And yeah, I tried. I guess I could have spliced all of them together for one good picture but there is just so much fun in these!
Oh these faces!! Note Sam at the top, he just wanted ZERO to do with this!
And they were the protectors of RR. I am pretty sure Mr. John told them 1,202,456,292 times to not let anything happen to her! They did good!
I cannot be held responsible for Dane's outfit. I choose to fight my battles when necessary.. aka picture day. But these three are just too much! The faces are a HOOT!!
Captain Simmons, you never fail me on the goofy faces! HAHA!
And thanks for getting the rest of the clowns on board!
Leighton wanted his own picture. He wanted to be in the camera and "see" Don't they all just wanna see?!?
I don't even know but it makes me giggle!!
And then it was time to hunt some eggs! Yes, I tried for another shot!
Wait.... Wait.... Wait..... Isn't it fun to have the egg power?!?!
And they are off!!!
They must discuss everything.. Literally, everything..
That face!!!
Sweet Lil!
Needed a little help from the Daddy!
I love how proud he was of his eggs! Good job, Sam!
The big boys were just the helpers to the littles! I just gave them a heap of candy and told them instead of hunting, they needed to help. They were great!

I may have been teasing her!
Kid on a mission.
Again, that outfit! But he is just so darn cute!
So precious!
And Lil! Love me some Lil!
HAHA! Precious!
Such boys. Checkin' the loot.
Love them too! These kiddos are just all so precious!
Hang on, there may be some more!!
My heart just skipped a beat. Little lady-killer!

And then it was time for cake and singing! Again thank you, Jack for your expressions! You make pictures fun!!!
And then there was a mean game of duck, duck, goose!
He is so sweet to the littles.... I mean, as long as it isn't little brother 😂
I think this dude was ready for his presents!!
And he had some helpers!
Happy birthday, Jack!! You are certainly one in a million and we love doing life with you! You are spunky, silly and we wouldn't change a thing about you! Just keep being YOU!!!

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