Saturday, November 5, 2016

Toyland // 2016

Every year, we do it, every year! Toyland is so much fun and when the weather works out, it is so much more better.

This kid cracks me up. He will put him head in any cutout around. Goofball. This is his "hard" face.
And why wouldn't we stand next to the money car, which is always at 21c.
This guy was following me. Creepy.
And then we were off to have fun. The lines were stupid but the kids were amazing. Asking to have their picture taken in strange places. Dane is happy, promise.
He is harder to get to look at me.
Blue kinetic sand. It looks cool but it about like Play-Doh to me. I hate it. It doesn't come off their hands and got all over their clothes. Yep, just like Play-Doh, it was made by the devil. BIG fail in my book. BUT who are they trying to impress? Obviously, I am not the target.
What is the thing you hear most at an event like this? "Mom, can I have _____________?"  Sure, kid, put it on your list. *eyeroll*
He was actually really good and adorably cute playing like we were just hanging in the playroom at the house.
And there is nothing like a good mask. He loves a mask!
He did actually ask for this one and his selling point was how cute he was. I mean how can I deny this?!?!

NOTE: The other boy was there but he and his daddy took off to the stunt bikes. I am pretty certain they were there the majority of the afternoon. They had such a blast and was even called out from the audience to participate. Thank goodness the hubs got a video!!

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