Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Thanksgiving // 2016

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays but it is part of the whirlwind of the holidays so this is the one I tend to get the least amount of pictures. This year, I tried to be very intentional and snap a few shots!

After lunch, our peeps gather to play cards. Chaz is always Gaga's partner. This is really such the tradition! Love my family!!
And it really wouldn't be a family gathering with the kiddos piled on Kelsey's lap playing on Snapchat.
She is just SO good with them! When she is around, nobody else exists!
Love these faces!
Even being a silly goof!! BAHAHA!
Gaga, don't you know this is serious?! HAHA!
Ham. SUCH the ham!
I love her! I am so glad when we actually remember to take pictures together!
More goofiness!!
My husband strikes again! This is how he leaves his mark, cutting the middle out of the pumpkin pie.
And naps. Isn't Thanksgiving about food, family and naps?!?!?
And then we were off to the Hills.  Where weird stuff like this happens. Yes, that is Katie... the dog, in her blanket.... which has her name on it.... and she has had all her life. Yep, the dog.
And yes, the boys rarely wear shirts. Thankfully, it is just the younger ones, the adults just wear shirts that say random things like "I pooped today!!" #lifegoals
And pure cousin sweetness before my camera battery died and I spent the rest of the night enjoying the fam! Happy Thanksgiving!!

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