Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I heart Heart Day!

What a great Valentine's Day! I know it is suppose to be about couples and love and all that mushy stuff but I think it has become more fun with little kids, stickers, lots of hugs & kisses, cookies, valentines cards, sugar highs, etc (sorry honey!!) Note: The pictures are limited as I was still on my old camera..
I decided to take Friday off and have a nice long weekend (we were off Monday for Presidents Day!) Around 3 we headed to daycare for a fantastic Valentines party. Chaz loves all the kids in his daycare but he does have a special valentine.. If you don't remember her from old posts you will when you see her bright shinning smile. We love her and needless to say the 2 year olds are smitten with each other!!
Spiderman kiss!
Sharing drinks ...true love!
after the fantastic party we headed to Sam's (which is right down the street from daycare) This is one of Chaz's favorite places to visit "I go to Sam's glub" and it was Friday! I usually get fresh flowers for the house on Friday. Yes, I understand the they die = waste of money concept but it makes me happy... Anyways because it was Valentine's Day Chaz decided he wanted to pic out the flowers... here are the beautiful flowers I got!!
I love them...
I asked him why he picked purple and green. He said "I pick purple and green . dat is in the town book" Ah.. I get it! Below is his current favorite book. He refers to it as "de town book"

and on one of the last pages when you get to the market you see this.. From day one I have said "Ohhh are those pink flowers for me?!?!" He always laughs and says "No mommy dowes are for de frog, you get purple and green" and he points to the ones in the purple pot on the shelf.. So I guess he wanted me to have real flowers.. What a sweet little boy!!!

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