Friday, June 9, 2017

End of the School Year Party // 2017

When school lets out, it is time to throw a party! It really doesn't matter what school you go to or your true last day (because we have some in regular calendar, some in year round, some public school, some private school ) It just gives us a reason to get together, enjoy the sunshine and look forward to the upcoming days of warm weather and good times!!
Getting him to take a good one is such the challenge!
But never the girls, they are all smiles and ready for the camera!
I'm not sure about Dane's face but Sammy sure loves him! BAHAHA!
Ummmmm, why are you getting in the beer cooler?!?!
And sometimes you get a MAJOR bloody nose. It just happens. Poor Jack. Dane thought he was legit about to die. I think the amount of blood freaked him out. Tears and everything!!
This is my driveway 98% of the Summer and I wouldn't have it any other way! Kiddos, Pizza, Capri Sun wrappers (well, that could go away and I would be fine) sidewalk chalk and smiles! Nothing better!!

And booty cheeks with a side of Nerf is always welcome too!
All smiles for these kiddos! We were having a blast!!
CHEEEEESE!! Can you hear it? Even the muffling from the pizza in their mouths?!? HAHA!
There he is! I love this smile!
Love these boys something fierce!
We are certainly boy heavy up in here but we have a few beauties! And they are just precious!
It took this one a LONG time to warm up to me but now I have her heart and her smile!
And then we get to the big boys who think they are a riot... as do I.
And this is as good as it gets for Chaz. Goober.
The big girls were much more cooperative. I love them so!
And then back to the littles for a bit. Sweetness.
But Lil doesn't look happy...
And then for the infamous group shot before the water balloon fight! Look at all those awesome kiddos!!!
Surprise! Dads get them from out of nowhere! BAHAHA!! I swear we have pulled this off for years and they never catch on that they are about to be ambushed from behind. Silly kids, parents are so much smarter.
And they are off! Let the madness begin!
Madness.. complete madness
And yes, the parents get in on the action!! Nat, I'm dying with these! BAHAHA!
It really doesn't get much more fun than this!
Sweet baby. She clearly thinks we have lost our minds.
His face. I can't even. 
He looks all sweet and innocent but what is he up to?!?!
Bless him.
Raising them right!!
This face kills me!
Just a big ol' kid!
They don't let me be safe even if I have my camera! I was soaked!
Everyone was. BUT by the looks of the smiles, I think they had fun!
This doesn't work BTW😂
And someone found the last water balloon. He was pretty stoked about it!
I love when school is out. I love our traditions. I love these kiddos. I love the Summer weather. I love the extra long days. I love our neighborhood and friends. I love all of it!!!

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