Saturday, December 17, 2016

Santa // 2016

As usual, we doll them all up after school and take them to see Santa. Aren't they just adorable?!?!
He was on break so we headed down to let them play.
Little hard on the turn there, Chaz.

I love how Dane is smushed up against the side. It makes me giggle!
And then we did it! Success!!
Let's do a little throw back. I mean why not? I LOVE Santa pictures!

2007 we were in Richmond visiting my parents when we go these taken. Chaz was just a few month old and didn't have a care in the world.
2008 was not quite as pleasant but resulted in one of my favs. You can laugh, it is ok.
2009 we were getting a little better but Chaz was certainly still not a fan!
2010, success!
And so was 2011!!! Yes, he is wearing the same sweater as the previous year. Hold tight because there is a theme here! Oh and for sure notice that tiny little sweet baby boy!
I love these of Chaz telling Santa his list. I think this is the year his daddy told him to tell Santa to bring him a Porche. Actually, I think he tells him that every year! Chaz also asked for a "crotch rocket" this year. What?!?! BAHAHA!
And after Chaz gave his laundry list and chatted it up for Santa for a good 10 minutes (we were the only ones there) we tossed the baby on his lap and hoped for the best! And this, my friends, is what I refer to as epic gold!
The next year was a little better. At least he wasn't screaming. He was squirming and not happy but he wasn't screaming.
Yeah. Totally not happy and Chaz looks like he saw a ghost. Classic.

The next year we had to figure out how to waste time in line because unlike years past, there was a hella long line. We usually get lucky by going on a random weeknight but not this year.

"Did you know you can't lick the end of your own elbow?" It took up about 6 minutes and made for some good pictures and laughs.
Success!! Anything look familiar? Yep, there is that sweater again!
The next year was precious because Dane was excited to see him. He wasn't scared. So very curious!

I may or may not have gotten in trouble for taking this picture. Oops.
Santa looks a little disheveled and I am not sure what either of the boys are looking at but I certainly love this!! Oh and notice anything familiar? Yep, Chaz is wearing the same vest as the year before. My kids LIVE in Underarmour so this is "dressing up" Enjoy!!

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