Saturday, June 24, 2017

Hillapalooza // 2017

One of our favorite events of the year is Hillapalooza! This is where all the family comes together for a week of cousin and family time. Note: about 80% live in NWA but we love to have our NC Hills in town to hang with us. It makes for a great week of fun and catching up.

Looks like he started the week how the rest of us will probably end the week!
It began with a cousin sleepover, which I failed to get a group shot, and opening some presents for belated birthdays for the twins!.
And then, since we were watching the neighbors house, we invaded the pool for a few hours.
Even if it is Hillapalooza, this is still the basic schedule of events. *insert major momma eyeroll*
We did a family photoshoot (my MILs fav 😁) and the pictures turned out great!! If you even need a photographer, Stephanie Henderson is your girl! She has worked with us for years and manages to wrangle all 22 of us with grace and ease. And how adorable is this family!?!?
All the boys. Yes, we are boy heavy everywhere we go!!
And the girls. Such beauties!

The siblings. And don't even say "Poor Meghan" She can hold her own in this group of dudes.
And then they are the real siblings. Such goofs!
My in-laws with their kids.
In-laws, kids and grands.
Just the grands.
They also show their real side. BAHAHA!
One of my favs.
The boys were trying to get the adults to laugh. How else would you do it?!?!
These are our NC Hills. We love them so!
Next in line is Meg's fam. They are alright. HAHA! Kidding. They are pretty awesome too!
Our crew. You know I love them!!
Cam's crew. They are awesome too!
And some more of my nuggets.
Maybe my favorite picture EVER!!
But this one is real life. They actually asked to do this! 😂
You know he is up to something.. always!
And what do you do after some HOT but super quick family pictures???!  Head to the pool!!
There hasn't been a blur picture in a long time.. blur = super fun.
These kiddos are SO much fun!!
And he is just crazy!!
I am not sure what is going on here but it makes me grin!
Poor Brady. He sure got a workout tossing these kiddos. I guess that is what happens when you are the oldest. He is such the good egg!
Loves him.
And she is just nutty!
Back at it! I not sure they ever actually left him alone. 😆
LOVE these!!!
They became quick buddies.
She is so pretty! I just love her!
Why wouldn't you play baseball?
OH Davis.
This is what happens when he is mad at me.
Still mad. No clue why.
But goodness me, isn't he adorable?!?!
I can guess why he was mad, I probably told him to let Brady rest.... That didn't last long.
HAHA! This face!
Davis wanted in on the fun. At least they are the littles!
Because the bigs are busy playing sports. Always!
Sweet boy!
He certainly knows where the camera is.
Love me a little Boomerang app.
These kids have some STRONG genes. For those who can't tell some apart. These two are NOT brothers. This is our Chaz and Cam/Marcy's David. BUT they could certainly pass for brothers.
And look at this face! Dirtball!

Sweet Syd!
And per the kiddos request, more Boomerang!
Note sure what he is up to but I am sure it wasn't approved!
Trying to get a picture with his brother!
Close enough.
Back to his buddy!
And he decided he was done but not before popping his collar. This kid is just something else.
I am fearful to know what my SIL is teaching them. She can only be up to bad things! 😂
But they love her!
Have you ever tried to get this many faces to smile, put down their hands/feet, look the right direction, etc? Impossible... unless you are Stephanie Henderson!
Complete madness. This is really their normal.
This cracks me up. Not a single one of the kiddos isn't silly as can be!
One of the top of our list things to do when they are here is the Rogers Aquatic Center. It is so much fun and the kids have a blast. We had two extras this day because my friend needed some help with her kiddos. I mean, when you have eleven, it doesn't really matter, right??!?!
I have this same picture from every year. Love this foursome!
Back at the in-laws for dinner and the littles found their favorite big. I offered MANY times for him to come live with us!
Naptime... He was o.u.t.
After naps, we headed back to the in-laws for dinner and birthday celebrations. We celebrated everyone at the same time!
All the grands!
And there is the goofiness...
We were back for some more the next day at Mercy and Cameron's house.. well, some of us needed naps.
That evening we geared up for fireworks!
Yes, that is my hubs in full redneck gear. Be jealous, ladies!
I would run away too, kid!
This is his happy face. I see where you could be confused.
He makes me smile! I haven't a clue where my other child is.
The amount of smoke was insane.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd he is over it.
But he still smiled for me!
There he is!

Happy 4th!!
We love Hillapalooza and cannot wait to see all the cousins again! It is wonderful that the majority live in NWA but we sure miss our NC Hills throughout the year!! Until next time, which is 2019 because Brady graduated High School in 2018!!! GO Brady!

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