We started off with some fantastic weather and a trip to the park with friends!
Could she be any more beautiful?!?!
And he is just my adorable little weirdo!
They have fun! They are awesome!
And he is one of the coolest little dudes ever!
I don't even know. I met their dad somewhere to pick them up and pulled up to this. Kids gone wild, I say!
Celebrating some birthdays over here!
And this kid. The Spirit Stick Boy. He doesn't actually go by this, I totally made that up. BUT He has won it EVERY YEAR, which is kind of unheard of.
And sometimes I find this kind of goodness on my phone. He IS so cool and awesome!
Even our dog is a little weird. I'm guessing she was trying to hide.... it didn't work.
Legos, Legos, all.the.time.
And when brother is at practice, we snuggle!
And play with Snapchat filters.
Ahhhh, so fun!
More pictures from his school. I am not sure why there is a goat in this picture. I am assuming it is some kind of projection but it made me giggle!
When your daddy donates and old office phone to your school for playtime... HA!
The teacher or the student?!?!
Celebrating a lovely bday!
And getting a photo from the babysitter showing how much your kid loves her!
Can your momma find you long pants? When did he start growing??!
Annnnnnnnd o.u.t.
Sure you can bring your little guys over to my chair and play a guessing game. I am not very good but I love to play with you!!
So much in these pictures. His monochromatic dressing, that smile, his Captain America backpack and his favorite "shooter thing" he takes EVERYWHERE!!
Superbowl birthday cupcake face!
First pass out of the game!
But sis is still WIDE awake!
OMG I love this kid!
And some days are rougher than others. What you can always guarantee is if you are on the couch, this pup is going to snuggle!! #viciouspit
This is his "I feel like poo, Momma" face.So we go to the doc. He wasn't very excited about it!
This will make it alllllll better!
That and a sheet covered couch (my fav as a kiddo when I was sick) a few superhero pillows, lovey, some favorite blankets, tv and you pup.
The other pup was super concerned too!
Sweet boy, he is used to the baby being full of energy and a little cray!
Legit. Not planned. All him.
Hidden figures and grass from the pup. HA!
We had to switch up the blankets for a quick wash. I love how Stone is looking at me like "What? I didn't do anything"
When I finally get my pictures from my favorite Christmas tree transferred to my magnet board... while the sick baby was sleeping. Life.is.good.
Oh goodness! There is my boy! Not 100% but all smiles!!
BUT he still wanted more snuggles! I love these two!
I did mention it was February, right? Shorts and T-Shirts it is! Any excuse for them to pop into less clothes!
Sometimes they get along....sometimes.
And when they do, they are super silly!!
I can't even! Hilariousness!!
And when a few are out in our neighborhood, everyone seems to come out! This weather was AMAZING!!
And a little park time while brother was at baseball practice!
He is SUCH a blast!
More puppy love. They can't get enough of each other! Excuse the terribly messy room, it was Saturday and we slept while he played!
Movie date! I am not sure where the baby is. I am like a year+ behind here, people. There is only so much I can remember!
Valentine's surprises before family movie night! These reactions were epic!
FMN. Our favorite kind of night! But lets not lie, it is also our least favorite night because it is laced with "I need more milk" "I want to sit by mom." "No, I do" "Get your feet off of me" "Put your head down" I could go on and on.
Chaz's school is out on intersession a week in February. Since it was his last one by himself before his brother joins the school next year, I decided to send the baby to daycare and have a few fun days with my boy. OH, THAT is why we were at the movies without the baby! It is all coming together now.
Anyway, I needed to get my nails done one day. I honestly thought he was just going to tag along and play on his iPad but he asked if he could be treated too. Ummm, why not?!??!
Must have the proper massage adjustment. He loved it. I HATE these things.
We loved every minute of this and he asks to go every time I go. Not happening, but I will take him again!
Yes, I had them clean up his grimy boy hands too!
Continuing with a lunch date! He just stole my heart!
We did have to stop by the baby's school for his Valentine's Day party.
I love him so much, even if he is a little weird!!
He gets it from his momma!
And his brother!!
I seriously could NOT have had a better Valentine's day spent with my little loves (the hubs was working, bless him)
And then dinner. Pizza, beer and superheros = perfection.
And more pictures from school!
Morning snuggles at Gaga and Papa's house!
Have you noticed we love to snuggle! There will come a time when they won't want to snuggle with their momma. I am soaking up every moment of this!
And this, folks, is what you call a baseball tan. WOW!
Play date with his sweet friend Miss Emerson.
As long as he asks me, I will always hold his hand!
I am really not sure what they are doing but they are enjoying the weather and each other, so I will take it!
Did you hear that? My heart just exploded!
I don't even know but I love this face.
Just a little Bunco time with some of my favs.
And flat Stanley
I could wake up to this everyday. Wait, I DO wake up to this everyday!
School is hard work!!
Still weird.
This dog. She cannot be very far from her baby!
Hanging with Evie. It almost looks like they are holding hands. Bless it!
Again with that school thing! I love that my babies sleep in the car but on the way home from school can make for a rough night!
When Miss Mel brings you a giant Batman playhouse and you just happen to be at your brother's basketball game, life is good!!
Yes, he gets his own dates sometimes too. Usually it is when Daddy and brother are at baseball.
And o.u.t.
And now for the funnies!! Again, if you are easily offended or don't like to laugh, it is cool. Move on to the next post!
This should be on a sign.
The strange things my husband finds in houses. I love art and all but if you are trying to sell your house, you may want to remove the nips, butts and vajayjays from the entrance wall.YES!!
Y'all...my husband. So when I worked at Shoptology, my friends aptly deemed my husband "Live on the scene" or LOTS. It is so true, anytime something newsworthy is happening, he is there! He always just happens to be close. It is crazy. These are the kind of texts I get from his on the regular. From the big to the little, he is there.
And sometimes I let him venture into Sam's so he can drool over a TV.
And this happened. See all those dots? Those are my blueberries in the Sam's parking lot. All.over.the.parking.lot. The hubs was sweet enough to go back to replace them and Sam's was nice enough not to charge us. Double win!
Yep. Bring it!
And my friends do NOT disappoint! Random things I find at my door.
Right?? We would totally die.
My mom, probably the only person who leaves me messages. I love her and I do keep so many of them. You know what else I love, transcription data. This one 😂Totally me. 100%
This one. BAHAHAHAHA!! I sent it to the hubs, obviously
When you swoon over a new couch for the office and your hubs proceeds to bump you down to reality with a "You know the dogs will take it over and possibly eat it, right" text. 😕
My happy place. No matter what the day is tossing at me, a drive through this thing, makes me so happy!
Just what. What?? WTF is going on here?? This was a legit ad that was served up on my FB in 2017!!! No, just no.