Starting with the funnies this month so if you are offended by off color humor, some language or belly laughs...scroll on down until you see my cute kiddos.
Otherwise, enjoy the fun!
SO remember when FB did the "friends" video? This was on my cousin's and she screen grabbed this AWESOME shot from when we went to Cabo many moons ago (Before marriage and WAY before kids!) She is a fantastic performer... but how can you not laugh at this?!?!
So if you ever wondered what Ariel drives now that she lives on land. BAHAHA! This is her getting into her car after Kerby Sue's bday party.
Sometimes your friends send you the best memes at the best times! I love my tribe.
And when things pop up in your Insta that just speak to you!
And some days you need this. BAHA!
And this. BAHAHA!!
Sorry, not sorry. BAHAHA!
Don't we all just want to be Bill Murray?!?!
Let's all admit it, this year was rough on the political front.
Ok, now onto my cuties. This is them trying new foods. THIS is a challenge in my house. I am a short order cook. They tend to eat on a prison-like diet. Yes, I know I did this to myself. Ugh.
Today's try, red bell peppers. This one loved them.
This one... well. He did finally try it but it wasn't very successful.
The next night didn't go as well as I went big with a cherry tomato. BUT, at least he tried it. I am not sure why it looks like he is tattooed on his left arm but I guess it goes right along with his prison diet.
February is always about celebrating with friends! The birthdays are abundant in February! Happy bday, LP!!
This kid was awarded top in his class and had the honor to have his artwork on the back cover of the 2016 yearbook! So proud.
Yep, my little buddy KSue turned three!!
And this girl. The one WAY over there on the right also had a birthday. I told you, there are a TON in February!
A group of us went bowling to celebrate our birthdays! I suck but it is such a great time!
Thanks for the photobomb, Dave!
Chaz loves artwork and is doing a good job of continuing to push himself. This month was drawing the covers of DVDs. I think he did a fantastic job!
We have some days off in February so, of course, we load up and head to expend some major built up energy!!
This blur is the baby. I laugh so hard at this one!!
He is such a nut!
Why not?
They were seriously jousting with their bodies! Hilarious. I have no idea how they didn't get hurt.
Hayes is like Gumby child.
Hang in there, Aven!!
Yes, yes my oldest wants to be involved. Always.
And yes, he took out the baby. BAHAHA! There is no shame in his game.
This kid wants to be on American Ninja Warrior something fierce.
Have y'all met my biggest kid? He is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
These kiddos were all out crazypants!!
He is crazy and loves playing with the big kids!!SO much fun!!
Crazy pants.
He is seriously racing 9 and 10 year olds.
I love being so close to the grandparents! We spend a lot of time with both sets! Dane is a super fan of his Papa's lap.
But he is also a wiggle worm.. I don't even know how to explain what is going on here. Weird kid.
They were pretty pumped to open their Valentine's gifts.
My boss made me these awesome cookies for my birthday! She really knows the way to my heart - Bud Light, Cheese Fries, #boymom, THill nickname and some random quotes. So sweet!
My parents got me these beauties! LOVE!! I really LOVE flowers!
My co-worker made me these beauties! Another quick way to my heart. We may have taken down a half dozen before this picture was taken. They were amazing!!!
I received many hugs and well wishes from these two kiddos!!!
And these from the boys and their daddy!And some more from my friends. I may be a little spoiled.
Cheers to me!
Another special way to my heart. Yep, I will admit it, I LOVE these things and my parent are sweet enough to know this an support my habit.
The hubs got me this amazing rug for my back patio!
And the boy was excited to eat a Bud Light cookie. HA!
It was such a wonderful way to celebrate my 21st. *wink *wink.
Some days he sneaks into my bed and I wake up to this face. Melt. More celebrations and shenanigans!
Ever heard of a pickleback shot? Ummmm, yeah, me neither. Gross! If you know me, you know I did not drink this.
But they did!
And so did the hubs!
His reaction was obviously awesome!
Sun is shining and we are headed to the baseball game!
It was so warm, the socks came off in about 3 seconds.
Yes, I was there!! Sun shining!
These cousins are more like brothers!
"Adult" supervision.
No judging on how we pack it in! Poor kid.
SUCH an awesome day!
And these crazies went for dinner for Porter's bday. Seriously some major gooberness going on here.
When we are passing around sickness, we may as well cuddle.
And there are some days where you just need to wear three hats.
And other days you need to put on your sweatshirt. I'm not sure this is how it is done.