Monday, April 11, 2011

Cake and Kids..

Technically this Hill family gathering was to celebrate Megan and Cameron's birthdays. But as you will notice I took more pictures of the kiddos than the birthday folks. I actually only got one of Meg --but it isn't the most flattering picture so you won't see it here. Meg, you can thank me later.

As soon as the kiddos arrived they set up camp in the living room. Anna had attended two back-to-back birthday parties and was spent. She crawled up on the couch with a blanket and the two oldest boys followed.
Chaz decided Anna needed a foot rub. Yes, this was totally his idea. I just happened to walk in and he said "I'm rubbin' Anna's feet. She said they were tired" Really? Where did he get that?? (No, Ryan does not rub my feet)
I left for a few minutes and when I came back they were cuddled up watching Robots (or Robot City as it is known in our house) Stinkin' STINKIN' cute!!!

I told you. Spent.
Then it was dinner time. Yes, we have a kids table. We were actually smart enough to feed them first this time. That way by the time we sat down to eat they were done and we could enjoy our meal. Chaz thought it necessary to give me the "Rock Star" hand for this one.
"Mommy, take a picture of me doing dis" He was very clear to tell me it was "rock on"

And Anna joined in. She said "This isn't rockstar. It is 'I love you, Chaz'"
Jackson wanted to watch his own movie on the iPad.
There is really no "alone time" with all these little ones.
Cake (well, cake and beer. If you are paying attention)
Happy Birthday Cam!
Oh wait, there is Meg (I guess I got two pictures.) Happy Birthday Meg. Hope you guys are ok with a little help with the candles.
And there was obviously no waiting for a plate, or even the cake to be cut. Kids.
Happy Birthday Meg and Cam!

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