Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This house has been "warmed"

So we rushed as fast as we could to get our house as close to perfect as possible (thanks mom and dad!) so we could have our friends over for a housewarming. We had a great showing.... TONS of friends and family, lots of kiddos and almost everyone in the neighborhood!! and the weather was wonderful!
I got a ton of pictures of the kiddos..none of the the adults :) but isn't life really about the kids??
This is one of Chaz's newest friends.. Colt.. His mommy and I work together.. note: I am pretty sure his dad was not to happy that Colt was getting his clothes wet, but the boys were having fun :)jackson did the same..
And then the new neighbor--Landon--joined in!

Seriously Chaz and Colt had SO much fun getting their clothes completely wet. HA!
and Chaz managed to take it to a new level...
We finally put the boys in their swimsuits (once the main outfits were drenched) The figured that if they leaned on the edge of the pool it ran out.. It doesn't look like they are having fun but trust me .. they LOVED it!
Jackson kept climbing on the slide.. I was waiting for him to do a belly flop into the pool but it never happened.
Colt discovered the bubble mower (it was sans bubbles) He loved it because it made a gurgle noise when you pushed it.. he would push it about a half an inch and just die laughing. it was so funny!
Brandon and Chaz learned to share the car.. Chaz does this all the time with Fletcher so it was no big deal to him but Brandon tried to "stiff arm" him out many times.. I think they look So much alike, they could be brothers.
Our sweet next door neighbors gave a twist on a housewarming gift.. they gave Chaz this sweet little motorcycle.. Brandon loved it!
It started to get cold so we emptied the pool, flipped it over and let the kiddos play on it. They thought it was the best thing ever..
Anna tried to "catch" chaz under it. :)
Anna wrestling with Brandon.
Ben and Brandon having a great time!

Anna and Fletcher
So in true "big brother" mode chaz put Brandon in the car and decided to push him.........
push him down the hill! Meghan was there for supervision, I was there to take the pictures..

Did I mention our new backyard has a pretty good slope?
Speaking of slope the kids figured out that they could jump on the riding toys and take off down the hill. This will be the first of MANY races to the bottom of the hill.
Thank you to everyone who came to the housewarming party. We welcome you (and anyone who missed it) anytime!!

1 comment:

  1. We had such a good time - thanks for having us! Next time Colt will come prepared with swimsuit!
