Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Marcy and Cam brought the photobooth to Jackson's birthday party. Needless to say they are H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S!!!!
First up: Mike and the twins. Now please know Marcy has a HUGE hat rack with all kinds of hats to choose from... and Mike chose the pink glittery hat.. hmmmmmm!and then this is what happens when you put a little one on the stool... Adalynn.
Even if you add another kiddo, you still only get their heads. HA!!
Mike and Brandon.. What hams!!!
Us..Us + Chaz
Addison, Katy and TurnerAdam andAdalynn
Cameron, Marcy and Jackson
Izzy and Fletch
And this is what happens when you leave my husband in charge of Chaz in the photobooth... Note to self: NEVER leave these two unattended again. Notice the only picture of Chaz smiling is the one when he is mooning the camera.. Lindsay and Sid
Cameron and Cambell
Anna....with a side of Chaz, with a side of Jackson and with a side of Ben... literally!!Meghan and Anna

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