Sunday, November 4, 2012

See ya later, Nigel!!

When we learned one of Chaz's best friends was moving, my heart dropped. I knew he would have friends come in and out of his life but Nigel was different. From the day they met they were linked at the hip. They immediately became best of friends. I remember him coming home from school and telling me he had a new friend and he was cool. They only knew each other a little over a year but were close.
We decided we had to have one last play-date with the boys at Chuck E Cheese. So one Friday night we all met up for a send off! The kids were a little excited, to say the least! It was us, Nigel, Derrion and Lucas' family. One of their favorite things is to dance on the screen. It is really funny because they can see themselves but they have no idea where the camera is, it makes for a very entertaining time.
 The boys were hilarious, and totally boys, shoving each other out of the way in effort to get in front of the camera.. 
Air hockey is probably the most played game. They have actually learned to be pretty good sports about it. They will cheer for each other, tell each other great job and good game.
This kid is a shark!
This is the sweet guy who we were there to love on!
Nigel and Derrion have got to be two of the cutest little kiddos I have ever seen. They are just so stinkin' happy!!
Don't you worry! This little guy got his fair share of playtime. The best part about being at Chuck E Cheese on a Friday night is, there is nobody there. I guess it isn't the "cool" thing to do but we didn't care. We basically had the whole place to ourselves. It was awesome!!
He loves the car rides. I mean, what kid wouldn't?!?!
and brother likes to join bug the crap out of the baby.
In the middle of all this, I look over to see this. Derrion concentrating very intently on the roller-coaster game. Hilarious.
If you know anything about my kiddo, you know THIS is an amazing site. I could go back through the blog and grab all the pictures of my kiddo terrified by costume characters but I don't think you have enough time in your day to view them all.  I have no idea where this came from... was he showing off for his buddies? Is he finally over the terrified hump? Did the lure of free tickets really pull him over the line?? We may never really know.
I am SO glad I'm not the only one who has husband who is just a big kid. Ian, Lucas' Daddy, climbed up on the ride. I was certain we were going to get kicked out but we didn't. It was quite hilarious!!
Daddy and Dane enjoying the dancing screen.
Yes, he was on a call. How does this even happen?? Not normal hubs, not normal.
We wanted to get a group shot. Have you ever tried to get a picture of 4 little boys hyped up on Chuck E? Impossible!!!
Insert baby brother!
Well, if Dane was going to get in, Breanna was making her way into the picture too! She is Lucas' little sister.
These kids were a total mess!!
One last game before we break-up the crew. **TEAR!!**
Dane loved the dancing with Chuck E part, so after we switched him to pjs, the hubs decided to have one last dance with the mouse.

Chomp some tickets so we can get a few tiny pieces of plastic worth $20. Oh I mean, a great prize that my little one will break in 5 minutes.. Oh I mean, it is all worth it.
I found this in my bag when I got home. Love me some Derrion!
and our tradition as always. Me and the big guy!
The hubs and the little fellow. LOVE this picture!!
and the fam. Smiles, looking the wrong way, yelling baby, chopped of heads, I wouldn't have it any other way!!

Nigel, you have been a great friend to Chaz and we refuse to say "goodbye" but rather "See ya later!" Because we know somehow we will be able to see each other again. You are such a sweet little boy. Thank you for being such a good friend to our little guy (and Derrion and Lucas) We will miss seeing your smiling face everyday!

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