Saturday, December 17, 2016

Holiday fun with the fam // 2016

We spent a few days leading up to the holidays at my parents house. They are fantastic at helping to shuffle the kids when we need to run out for just a few last minute items AND my brother and Lisa were coming in town so we wanted to maximize the short time we get to see with them.

When we arrived there was a light dusting of snow and the boy MASTERED a snow angel. I could not believe how incredibly perfect it was! He was very, very proud of himself. Oh the little things!
Papa helping brush him off. They are quite the pair!
And then the excitement of a lose tooth. This is big stuff around here, folks! The hubs and I want no part of it and my dad always wants to attach it to some kind of contraption to get it out. In the end, the boy wanted to try and pull it himself.
It was so gross and fun to watch! He was determined and, in the end, he was successful! That gap over on his top left is the winner! Nice work, buddy!
 And this kid just wanted some pictures of him being silly. Seriously, such the goofy kid! I guess we looked at his brother's mouth for so long, he had to show us his!
And then the wait. OH, the anticipation! Uncle Shane and Aunt Lisa should be coming up the driveway at any moment. I loved to see how excited they were!
And then they decided to hide under the pool table. BAHAHA! They can seriously wedge themselves up there where nobody can see them. It is quite the sight to see! Those white blobs above the blue tub are Chaz's feet!
Then we went out to dinner and enjoyed the lights on my hometown square!
Thanks for hamming it up, Dane. We can always count on you! 😂
These two crack me up!

This kid is awesome. I am not sure what is happening with his hair. It has a mind of it's own and tends to just fall. Bless him.
 My world in a selfie...or four!
 I seriously LOVE these people!
 This dude knows the best seat in the house!
And after some loss of layers (for both of these dudes) he is out. These pictures just make my heart so happy!
 And what happens when your son/grandkid/little brother says he wants a wrestling ring (shake rumble as he called it) for Christmas but it is a few days before and the hubs decides he doesn't want to pay for the piece of junk at WM? Well, you head to the shop and make him one! They all worked so hard on it and he LOVED it!
 So at the end of this post, I am realizing I didn't get a single picture of Shane and Lisa.. or my mom. Fail. Maybe the Christmas post will better!

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