Thursday, June 2, 2016

Kenny // 2016

When Kenny comes to town, you go. It isn't a question. BUT when you kid is playing baseball, you go. It isn't a question. Balance is key and having some kick ass parents is an even bigger key. Let me tell you how THIS went down.

So rewind to 2015 when Kenny came to town. My husband was NOT a fan of concerts but I begged. It helped that tickets went on sale my birthday weekend... no brainer. He bought tickets and we had a BLAST. Fast forward to 2016 and they announce Kenny is coming again. It took far less convincing this year. We were in.

Then there was this little thing called baseball.. and a rain-out game that got scheduled for the night of the concert.... and the game hit a rain delay.. I was pretty sure we were NOT going to make it to the concert. The only time ever I was praying they would call the game. NOPE, we were going to wait it out. Had I mentioned we were going direct from the game to the concert. Seriously, like changing in the car. So the hair was falling and the makeup wasn't holding up. In the end the boys pulled out the win and we were off!

Here is where the parents come into play. Mom grabbed the boys and headed to her house. The hubs and I jumped in the back of my Dad's Hummer and started changing clothes, reapplying makeup and doing hair. It was hilarious! My phone was blowing.up! Yes, I am on my way. I promise!!!

I had to take this to prove it to my friends that we were in fact going to make the concert! Dad dropped us off as close as he could get us to the gate without getting a security escort off the premises. Thanks Dad and Mom!!! Y'all are amazing!
Made it to my concert girl! Makeup is good, hair is pulled back. Let's be honest, this is how it was going to end up anyways so it really didn't matter!
Oh and this is a funny.. When searching for Wi-Fi at the Amp (which they should totally have!!) you come across Casbah Puppy Kitty. Yes, THAT is normal..
Hey, hey!
And some of my favorite people!
We have fun. A lot of fun!
Sweet friends Justin and Jill! I love that we ended up by so many of our favorite peeps! Fun times!
SO awesome! Please come back, Kenny!
And when you hand your phone to a friend to take a picture but nobody is paying attention, you get this gem. Note April pointing, Cade is listening but not looking, I look pained and the hubs is on point. BAHAHA!
Sorta better. I can't help but post these because they have me rolling!
BAHAHA! Try, just try not to laugh!
We can just laugh about it!
It just isn't going to happen. Note to self, don't give the camera to Justin!
Girl shot is a little better!
When in Arkansas... you call them.

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