Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween // 2015

We are certainly at the age where they get to pick their own costumes!! This year, Chaz decided to pick the "scary white mask guy"  It was fun to explain there was actually a movie series behind this one but "No" you can't watch it.
And then we had a red Power Ranger.
We headed down to the square to trick-or-treat.
And this is what happens when you mask falls a little crooked. Look how weird his eyes look. I didn't even notice it until I posted this picture to FB. Creepy.
You will notice in the first picture he is wearing a plastic mask, we already owned that.. thank goodness because the one that came with the costume, I mean I know he is little for his age but this thing is ridiculously small.
The kids were loving getting candy on the square. Look how creepy Chaz looks in the background! Hilarious!
And this is the super creepiness when you find the Razorback tailgating standee. HA!
He was confused but super cute.
Posing as a Power Ranger!
I wanted to take their picture together. They didn't want to play my reindeer games.
But they realized we weren't leaving without one!
This is as good as it gets. Chaz still has the weird eyes!
I may have taxed them a little. #twixareaweakness
For the Cedar Crest event (a different night) we headed to the Lanes to enjoy a quick bite to eat and then off to the party. Dane and Cooper decided to switch masks. Cuteness.
Dane and Cooper are only about 9 months apart and Cooper is taller but this picture makes me giggle because Cooper looks like a GIANT compared to Dane.
Trunk-or-Treat at the school! #tinymask
Sweet Grady came along too! Before you even start wondering, Chaz wasn't with us this evening. So when you don't see his picture, you know!
So much fun!
I absolutely love this kiddo!
These kiddos were on a MAJOR sugar high!
Two 4 year-olds trying to be patient while on a sugar high....
Dane checking out the Thor costume.
Then it was time for the Stone Mountain Halloween party.
This is his "Argh!"
Sweet girls. They all looked amazing!!
Everybody looked amazing!!
These poor people never knew what hit them. We came in hot!
I love this. LOVE!
And my sweet daddy always ends up with a lap full of toddlers!
Coolest kiddos EVER!!
And some of the most awesome decorations ever!!
And our neighbor, Michael, who always goes over the top. The kids were terrified!

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