Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Fourth // 2012

The Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I look forward to it every year. This year we kept it small. Just us and my folks. It was awesome. We just hung out all weekend. Playing in the pool, eating good food and enjoying each other's company.
I love these pictures. I have a picture of Chaz when he was just a little bit, Ryan was tossing him WAY up in the air. These make me smile!
Look, she does exist! I actually made it in some pictures. Thanks to my momma!
Brother teaching Dane how to splash. Dane thought it was hilarious!!
So fun! I love these little guys!
Mr I-want-to-swim-before-I-can-walk.
Gotta keep the head above water!
Then it was time to retreat from the water as we were all a little pruney
Dane was napping and we decided to make home made ice-cream, one of my FAVORITE 4th of July traditions BTW, yummy Butterfinger ice-cream!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!Chaz was super excited to help make the yumminess!
Then he started to get goofy!
Chaz took the opportunity to put ice down his daddy's drawers. Love it!!
We used the electric part of the ice-cream maker for as long as possible...and then we needed to rely on the muscle of the Hubs......and the boy

Chaz thought this was so cool. This was the first year that he was really old enough to be part of the process. He was so very excited to make his very own ice-cream.
We had barely got a spit of rain all summer so we were on MAJOR burn ban. So much so that I really prayed they would ban the actual selling of the fireworks. You know there is some redneck jerk who is going to think it is ok to shoot some major fireworks into a dry field. The thought just terrified me. With that said, I did let Papa and Chaz continue their annual tradition of going down the road to the local stand to purchase a few small fireworks to shoot off in the driveway. The rule was, nothing that goes in the air. Chaz was very good at asking Papa "Does this go in the air? No, ok we can get it!"

This is what they came home with, this little bag made my boy have the BIGGEST smile on his face!
Probably one of his favorite things in the bag. I am pretty sure you can buy these year-round.
This is it. This is the loot.
Assessing the loot. Lots of "hmmmmmm"s and "Yeah"s
First up. The grossest of all fireworks. The snake. Really, why do they even sell this crap anymore?!?!? But Chaz thought it was cool. Whatever.
Confetti poppers. Again, pretty sure these are year-round.. But the boy l.o.v.e.d them!!!
If you have been following me (or are a personal friend) for any length of time you will know that I often refer to the Hubs as Cityboy. It is because of things like this.. Fireworks + barefeet? What the heck?? At least put on some flops!!
Back to the fun. Remember: Nothing that goes in the air!!

Lots of fun. Racing cards, tanks and trucks!!!!
I loved that the 'rents decided to supervise.. You would hear giggles, laughs, "Watch out"  "Ryan" etc.. it was hilarious!
Turned around at one point to see this. He said "I'm done!!!"
Gaga and Papa are so good and convinced him to come back and join the fun.. sort of
More snakes.. puke. They are just so stinkin' gross but we purchase them every freaking year! HA!!
We ended with sparklers.. the best tradition ever!
Chaz has never held a sparkler himself so I was really excited and incredibly nervous all at the same time. I honestly didn't think he was going to go for it based on his previous "I'm done" comment. BUT he jumped right in!
So proud!! He thought it was awesome!
Daddy started getting crazy!!!  Hahaha! Two sticks at once.
He began to become a little unsure of himself but was hanging in there. I think they bought 119,123,675,567 boxes of sparklers.
Gaga got into the fun. I don't know that she wanted to but Chaz really wanted her to participate. Such a good sport!
Whaaaaat?? Who is getting crazy?!?!
What a fun holiday! We didn't do a lot, just lazed around for the weekend. It was nice and relaxing. I am so proud of the boy for getting in the mix (even if just a little) of the sparklers. What a fun weekend!!

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