Wednesday, October 5, 2011

September randomness

September was full of randomness.  :) 

Before the Razorback game we took our time getting moving, which provided time for my little buddy to put on his police gear and arrest mommy! He really thought he was quite hilarious!
As mentioned in the game day post, Chaz and I took a nap in the car. The heat was simply to much for me and the little guy. Of course I had to get a shot of him passed out!
One afternoon while we were helping my aunt move into her new house we heard this wonderful sound....the sound of the ice cream man!!! You see, we live up on a hill, with maybe 10 houses, so the ice cream man doesn't frequent our area. You should have seen the look on this little boy's face. AND when he saw that they had ice cream in the shape of Spider man!!!! Life changing.  Oh, that was until he actually tasted the treat. He quickly decided my fudgesicle and mom's dreamsicle were MUCH better!
Dad was out of town for Chaz's birthday so I had to send him some pictures of the king bowler :)
And this is what happened after we left Fastlanes.. Wait, let me correct myself.. this was before we were even out of the parking lot!!
The Clawson clan called to sing Chaz happy birthday once Mike got home from work. Chaz wouldn't talk or say thank you but you can tell from the expression on his face that he was delighted!
When we moved into our house a few years ago, my pantry just wasn't what I wanted. I didn't know what I wanted but with a little help from my dad (painting from mom and Sandra) it has quickly become one of my favorite places in the house. Yes, I just said that. If you know me you know I love to have things in place and organized. This just gives me more room to do so! Thanks Popsicle!!

Random.. Love him!
This is his favorite spot outside. There is a little rock behind the tree. This day I was late getting home from work and I discovered that he had taken my garden cart and created a table so he could eat dinner outside. Love it!!
We went up to the tailgating spot for the Troy game. It was gross and rainy but we were able to find time to have a little fun!  The girls were posing for a picture when my boys decided to crash the party.. Check out the faces in the background."Ummmm, could you weirdos get out of the way? We are practicing our supermodel poses here!"  BAHAHAHA!!!

They were able to get a good shot, sans the boys!
One of Chaz's favorite things to do at Gaga and Papa's house is to "work in the shop"  He is very good at convincing Papa to go out and build with him. Not that it takes a lot of convincing, dad loves to do this with him! Note: Although it looks like he is on his own, manning the machines.. he is not. My dad is right behind him watching over him like a hawk. No children were harmed in capturing this timeless memory :)
And now we put on the safety gear. How stinkin; cute is he?? The hard hat was actually my grandfathers (Dad's dad) he had a tiny head and this thing actually almost fits Chaz. Love it!! Note: Mom and I decided to vacate the premises once they broke out the saw. I knew he was in good hands, I just didn't want to stand and be nervous!
I hate every morning when I have to leave my boys. They tend to be lazy and hang around in bed, watch cartoons and the like. Not that I am jealous or anything ;)  This morning was no different.
Forgive the gross nose but little guy planking is hilarious!!
So we had a little bit of a scare with Dane in the middle of September. I went in for my regular doctor appointment and they had issues finding the heartbeat. Once they did, it was very slow. So, I was lucky enough to be hooked up to a machine for well over an hour. I took this pic to show Ryan that I was none to happy. He was on his way back from a business meeting in Springfield. In the end, everything is OK and Dane is healthy (and currently still brewing in the belly) WHEW!!!
My boy has a little bit of a "thing"  He likes to share my make-up. Yep, I said it. It is right there in print for him to hate me when he is older (the pictures below probably won't help my case either) BUT when you are four, isn't it still kinda cute? It started with my powder as he would see me put it on in the car. Since then it has progressed into eye shadow. However, as you can see in the evidence below he puts eyeshadow on like warpaint--below the eyes. You know, the "boy way"
And here is where we his father took it one step further. They were perusing the aisles of Hobby Lobby when they came across a little box with a mirror. It was in the wood materials/paint your own section. Well, the boy decided it was his make-up box. Ok, whatever.  We let him paint it and put it on his desk. No, I haven't brought myself to purchasing him his own set of make-up nor do I think I will anytime soon. So for now the box remains on his desk with random crayons and stickers in it.
What is that on his face in the picture above? Yeah, that. Giant stick-1 Chaz-0. Below is the slow progression over a few days. We slathered the thing with Neosporin and Mederma for well over a week. Luckily, the scabs have fallen off and it is now looking pretty good now. WHEW!!
I wait all week for Saturday & Sunday mornings so I can enjoy some of that lazy time in bed that I mentioned above.  Yes, I am usually on my computer looking at Facebook or blogging but at least I am hanging out with my boys.  This Sunday morning, Chaz decided he wanted to steal my computer and try typing. Ok, why not.
Recently, I started fishing around for ideas of how to have the boys connect with each other once Dane was born. I want to make sure Chaz is still just as excited once Dane actually gets here and I want to make sure he feels very special. I heard some advice from fellow moms to have gifts to and from each boy. What a great idea! Obviously, we would buy the gift from Dane but I thought it was great for Chaz to think that Dane got him something. We went with a few toys Chaz has been begging for, a "Big Brother" Tshirt, some candy (Yeah, what a cool little brother) and a little travel dry erase kit. All things I know he will love.

For Dane we really wanted Chaz to pick out whatever he thought would be great. We went to the mall one evening and he randomly picked out a $12 pair of Nike socks, yeah $12 socks. We didn't get them, obviously.   I racked my brain for ideas as I wanted something sentimental to come from Chaz. We bought a picture frame for him to paint and I had recently purchase some pottery painting coupons from Living Social. If you haven't figured it out yet, Chaz LOVES to paint! So this was perfect!!! Ryan took him to paint the pottery a week or so ago. Chaz painted a football helmet bank and made Ryan paint a monkey. We aren't 100% sure it will be ready by the time Dane gets here but he won't know any different. :)
So happy, so proud!
Nice work boys, nice work. (I will post another picture once they have been fired in the kiln)

Randomness at it's finest!  I was standing in the driveway waiting on Ryan to come pick me up (don't ask) when I look down and see this. I look HUGE!! So, I just had to take a picture!
The last week of September we found out that Dane was still in the breach position so the doctor wanted us to come back later in the week to try and flip him. Ugh! I immediately went into crazy-momma-squirrel-nesting mode.  I washed, wiped and cleaned everything I could get my hands on. I organized, wrote lists and packed my hospital bag. Oh, and I cast my belly. I must around the Hill house :)

The next day was one of the most bizarre days of my life. Below is a email I sent out to some friends/family recapping the days events.
We went in yesterday morning about 9am. First they checked Dane on the ultrasound to see if he had decided to turn on his own. It took a while for the doctor to come in as she was in surgery with another patient. When she arrived she asked if I thought he had turned... "Nope, his head is right under my right ribcage" I could feel his head and it was still very hard to breath.  She said ok and checked with the ultrasound. Sure enough, no flipping. 

At this point I had two options--schedule a C-section or try and turn him.  We decided to try and turn him. So, they took us up to labor and delivery.  After I was hooked to a ton of monitors and give an IV...i got to sit and wait.   They then came in and gave me a muscle relaxer and a pain medicine. Within moments of getting them my eyes were crossed and rolling. I knew my speech was slurred and I was feeling very loopy. Good thing is, they warned me this would happen. Bad thing is, I didn't think it would be that bad. UGH!!  I was a mess.. Seriously--shaking, cold, slurred, it was terrible. I can honestly say, I haven't a clue why people would do drugs to MAKE themselves feel that way. Yuck!!

Soon Dr Birch came in (Note this entire time my mom and Ryan were in the room with me--my dad decided to stay out in the waiting room)  Now I have to tell you, my doctor (Birch) is about 5' 2" and 90lbs soaking wet. So, you can imagine the thoughts going through my head of how she was going to turn this boy. But the nurse said she is one of the best at this. And I trust her completely.  When she asked if I was ready I quickly replied "go for it" in my drugged, slurred state.  She found his head and his bum and started to pull (not really push) him like the hands of a clock. I kept my eyes closed (I couldn't have opened them if I tried) but I know they were looking at him on an ultrasound and knew were he was moving. Mom said Ryan looked like he was about to pass out but true to form he hung in there with me.   Dr Birch is sweet and knew I was in an incredible amount of pain so she kept saying "I'm sorry, it is almost over"  And BAM! He was in place!! Yippee!!! They continued to monitor him, making sure his vitals were strong and he didn't decide to do a flipback.

They told me they were going to keep me for a few hours just to make sure everything was ok. I slept for awhile. Well, until the contractions starts. Yep, contractions. And BIG ones. I was a little freaked out. Was Dane ticked at us and deciding to come out today?!?!?! Oh my!!  They ended up monitoring me until 4:30. UGH!! Around 2:30 the contractions had slowed enough for them to decide that he was not coming yet and they were just the result of the turning. Neither the doctors nor the nurses were expecting the contractions.   So, they let me eat. Yes, the girl who sets her watch to mealtimes and always has some form of hydration in her hand was sitting at 2:30 and had not eaten or drank anything since the night before. Mom said I was a "little white around the gills"  Yeah, I am STARVING!!!  So, off to ChickFilA went Ryan and Dad. I think I ate my meal in about 10 seconds, literally.
Last night I was still loopy. My hands didn't stop shaking until I fell asleep but I will say I can now actually breath--his head is no longer under my ribcage. YAHOO!!!  The nurse said I would be worthless for a few days and I can't drive today. So, I have to rely on Ryan for a lot. This is NOT one of my strong points. Wish me luck! 

I can tell that so far, Dane has remained head down. The nurse said there is about a 10% chance he will flip back. If that is the case we will probably just schedule a C-section. I don't think I can go through that again and at that point it would not be worth the stress on Dane.

I go back to the doctor Monday morning. They will check to make sure he is still "on the launching pad" as Ryan says.  I will keep you updated. Please keep the prayers coming as they seemed to work wonders yesterday!!!

Meg and family ordered Chaz a cardboard house for his birthday. It came in late, but Chaz didn't care one bit. He is so excited to have it up--it is over 5 feet tall and about that squared. It is huge! Oh and it is currently in the corner of my living room.  I love to color (I know, I am 5) so I didn't even hesitate when Chaz asked me to sit down and color it with him. Fun times! Now if I could only convince him that this is something that needs to live upstairs in the playroom :)
Happy random September everyone!!!

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